Tears Flow Into River (2022)
Concept: Emotions adapter and emotional support dog
Software: MAYA, Substance Painter
Resume (2022)
Log Line: The security guard and the rich lady have to give up their possessions to
escape from the flood.
Software: MAYA, 3D modeling & animation
The Flood (2022)
Software: Story Board Pro
The security guard and the rich lady have to give up their possessions to escape from the drastic flood. The size of a person’s bag symbolizes the burden they are carrying, while the process of elimination liberates them.
A severe storm is approaching the island. After receiving the alert message, Charlotte, the responsible, attentive security guard, and Hathaway, a simple, rich lady with social anxiety, had to evacuate to the top floor to escape from the flood. The security guard was reluctant to leave since every object had memories and meanings to her. She finally left her office with a big bag and a suitcase. The rich lady was about to shower when she received the emergency notice. She left immediately, in her pajamas and a designer shoulder bag. Charlotte forgot to bring her keys. She returned to her office when she was on her way to the top floor. The flood approached the mansion when Charlotte reached back to the staircase.
The higher they go, the lighter they have to be. The more they need to give up. When her makeup dissolved and the mirror broke, Hathaway cured her attachment to a perfect personal image. She pulled off her AirPods, finally leaving her own world. Charlotte abandoned frivolous possessions, including her letter collection, teddy bear, and trophy. The only item left was the master key. They floated. Charlotte and Hathaway were happier and lighter after giving up their tangible and intangible attachments.

Security Guard, Charlotte

Character Design Poses

Charlotte 3D Modeled Version
Software: Maya
Bittersweet (2021)
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.
Software: After Effects
Zoom University (2020)
glitch art, perspective
Software: Adobe Animate (hand drawn animation)
I'm Tired (2020)
Hand Drawn Animation
Software: Adobe Animate